
Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

Ever had one? Everybody probably did at some point of their life at some level. Me? I have had a few ranging from little crush ones to huge one involving the police.

My first stalker was at age 10 or 11. I think I was in first year of High School. Here I was little ole me enjoying life as a child. Fully engrossed in my activities. Participating in anything that came my way. My mother insisted on keeping me busy. I wonder why? Anyway I was a contestant in Hazel Ward Redman's twelve and under and we were causing quite a stir. The 2 girls from Tobago. *rolleyes*. A few shows before the wrap up of that series the phone rings and there's someone from the show asking to talk to me about whatever. My parents give me the phone, cause they know I can talk, but they stay on the other line. Uhm why this "worker" asking me about my breast? So yunno that my mom went crazy one time. So an investigation pursued. The channel was called. Nobody knows who thsi person is. He calls again. And calls again this time pretending to be a police man asking what we were doing about the incident. For me this incident was nothing. I continued with my wild self involved with watchful eyes in things as normal. In fact I never really knew the severity of the situation until my cousin sent me a letter asking me if i was ok cause her mom told her what happened. I was like, it was that serious? lol. I didn't even have breasts then and was probably a size -2. Eww.

The rest of High School stalkers were the usual boys having crushes. In college though, hmm, I had one that was like EVERYWHERE I turned. And he thought he was cute too with it. He stalked for almost a year. The thing was we had so many mutual friends in common it was sometimes hard to avoid. I changed my email address because of him. That worked, especially when I moved. Now, he's found me on facebook. He sent an invite and it wasn't his real name steups. The stalking tactics hasn't started yet though and it had better not.

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 11:51 AM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

2 Rambles

Wait! How come he find you and I couldn't when I did a search?


May 29, 2008 at 1:03 PM

Lol... he prob see me from another friends profile.

May 29, 2008 at 8:47 PM

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