Im Baaaaccckkk  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

Hey, it's been some weeks. Since I left for my trip to Maryland, which was great by the way, and came back to Florida in the middle of Miami carnival hype and school I have not had the time nor energy to get here. But finally I can.

Maryland was gorgeous, in the day. lol After 7pm I was in the house. If you don't know me you don't know that I abhor cold. I'm the girl in the mall in a jacket because it's too cold. I'm the one asking to turn down the AC in the car because I'm freezing. So you can imagine my behaviour when it went to 50 degrees in the night. I made sure I was inside and had NO intentions of moving, though we made plans a few times to head It never happened. DC/Maryland in Fall is the most beautiful thing, and though Florida has its own bush nothing looks like this.

It was quite a refreshing trip that got me away from my normal life for just a few days but definitely reminded me that there is more out there than where I was. And it definitely gave me some ideas for my future.

I came back from Maryland into carnival and that was pure excitement. My very good friend met me for the weekend and we had a ball. I was wishing today was a recap. Good friends, good times as usual. Nothing can beat that. I'll do a full recap of that with pics soon lol.

In the midst of all the fun fun fun, there was still the dooming issues. Sigh. There's a saying that a leopard can't change its stripes and I'm surely seeing that. People can try to do things differently or pretend to but after a while they always go back to what they do.

I don't want this to be a looong welcome back And SO much things have happened in teh past week and few days that I have to sort them out before I can make others understand lol. But I'm back and I have some catching up to do both blogging and reading wise....

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 19, 2008 at 1:44 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

3 Rambles

Penze ... whey in America ... you see leopards wit stripes gyul?! :-O

Welcome Back! :-)

October 19, 2008 at 2:55 PM

Hiya, was wondering what became of you and your sis.

Welcome baaackkkkk

October 20, 2008 at 12:59 PM


Scene dais to emphasize dat dese peeps won't change. I have some WEIRD animals around

GB just a really hectic schedule yes... should be back to normal soon... I hope.

October 21, 2008 at 12:21 PM

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