BitterSweet Week  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in , ,

This week has been crazy hectic. I can't seem to have enough time to just sleep. I go to bed tired every night. If I could tell you what I was doing I would be lying.

Hi Jaden! That story of "meeting" a little boy by that name is for another time. It's quite interesting though.

Remember the laptop dramas of being on hold? Well the next day I got a survey from HP, and I gave them the WORST rating possible. ALL zeroes. So someone calls me all apologetic and the final word is "We will replace your computer with an upgraded one". Good news, good news. Cause I was about to go postal on the next HP Rep when I called in AGAIN. I am now getting a tx 2500 instead of a replacement tx 1000. Upgraded memory, hard drive, OS. I just pray that there is no problems when I get it. That would surely prove that I am blight with computers.

This week I also had 2 quizzes and a project to hand in. I did one quiz on Sunday morning and passed with full marks. On Monday I did the other quiz and saw an F. WTF!! I almost passed out! (Please remember less than 60% is an F.) I was devastated. Though I know it was only worth 1 point that F on my screen was heart wrenching. So being the fass chile that I am, I quickly emailed my professor about the grade, who, with no hesitation from my nice email explaining nicely and desparately why I had such an atrocious grade, reset the quiz. I eventually got a C. Which still sucked. So i went to class on Tuesday all ready to plead my case again. He decided that the lowest grade for quizes will be thrown out. Lol.

My mom also came in this week to spend two weeks with us. Fun!! Atleast I have company for a little while. But I have to entertain her, get ready for an examination, do 3 quizzes and 2 projects. It's going to be HECTIC!!

Plus my sister made me take pictures for her carnival band. Steups. They see no reason why I don't like to do these things. Lol. Sometimes I think I come over as anorexic to them, but it's just being open to criticism that bothers me. So they know not to ask me to be in no costume for no band launch. It is not going to happen. But seeing the costume has really excited me for carnival, and Ettie coming and Nessa coming down. Carnival will be my prize for the end of my quarter.

The week is done. And Im quite glad it's been hectic for the most part keeping me busy and my mind off of things that would depress me. And I get ready to start another week of madness.

Added to all these things I could not chew. On Monday I went to the orthodontist and have started my final rounds of closing all spaces. Talk about pressure. He used a 1 inch rubber band to close a 5 inch space. Today is the first day I can chew on somethings, even eggs were too hard. Drinking was a task to make sure my teeth don't knock together. If and when they did, there was a paralyzing shock for 10 minutes that would blind me. Sigh... but atleast they're easing up and I have another 3 weeks before I have to go back and tighten these bad boys again!!

This entry was posted on Friday, August 8, 2008 at 3:16 PM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

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