I well write last night. Lol. With this "future posting" option I even shocking myself with what comes up. Hmm..
Anyway on lighter notes I ready to show mi toe. I wasn't shame or nothing before yunno. I just didn't know if you was ready to see it. I've seen worse though. I mean even on my toe. But as I think about it my toes have to be blight. I mean this toe, or was it the next one, was victim to a needle being in it for weeks, turning blue, black, green, having home made surgery on it with a candle and a razor blade, then being sent to the hospital to get it cleaned out with a tweezer then soaked in juice till the needle came out a week later. And this toe, or was it the other one, lost it's nail for a year after playing mas and crossing the stage in shoes that were too hard for me to wear but went perfectly with my IP's Golden costume. Mi poor toes.
But I couldnt find the inital pic of my toe taken early up in dance. But this is the final stages of the toe starting to be over worked.So obviously I could not continue dancing on it like that. Especially every day. The skin below though is still so tender that it's not ready to touch on anything hard. So I have had to resort to fixing my toe to be danceable.
Yup that is tape. Well not dance tape because they don't sell anything like that here. It's a surgical bandage on the bottom because it has to be thick to withstand the pirouettes and jumps and the white tape, thanks to Bunga, to keep it in place for as long as possible. It works for an all 3 hours. Did I mention we dance for atleast 5? So yunno how much tape I will be going through with 5 more weeks to go to show. Sigh.
Mi poor toe!!
Celebrities That Tried Too Hard to Be Relatable
3 weeks ago