It's 1.24 am do you know where your child is?  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

Well I don't have a child but I can't tell you where my mother is. Why she out and I home?

It's kinda weird being home now. For the last past Fridays I have been out somewhere. Tonight, actually I just finished having a movie night on my fold out couch. Yea... excitement. I think I started it a bit too early though, cause right now I'm up, bored and lonely. That is when I realized that my mother is out. I made random phone calls to people and everybody is out. Steups. If I was home I would be out somewhere, probably not doing much of anything but talking crap with my friends releasing stress. Something that I think I need to do much of tonight. Or I could just get a massage and that would just be as good.

But back to my mother. She is a fowl, so it's shocking to hear that at this time she's UP and OUT. Even more shocking to know that is my father that took her out. No that's really not the more shocking part. But for my mom to be out and for it to be my dad who took her hardly happens. My father limes in the oddest most out of the way places that I can't see my mother going to willingly. I can see her now asking if there is toilet paper in the bathroom. I can see her probably having this weird look on her face that they can talk and the music is so loud. Shoot, I can see her asking the DJ if he can't play the music softer. I can see my father getting upset. So I don't think they probably went to one of his usual hangouts.

Why am I dissecting my mother's night out? Lol. Sigh. Anyway back to my usual boring shitty Friday night in the MIA.

This entry was posted on Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 1:23 AM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

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