Waste ah day!!  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

Well I went to sleep at about 4 am. I just could NOT sleep. Sitting eyes closed staring at my eyelids. Atleast I had company until 3 am though... so the last hour or staring was my only lonely hour. But I HATE when this happens though.. it messes up my next day. And these days I have more work to do than they are hours in the day. But today I could not do anything. I tried at about 11 to start a project I stared at it for an hour not able to bring any content from my head to the front in English. I think it was there in German. Imma be crying tomorrow I know when I realise I have 2 days behind my deadline of Sunday. Sigh!

And I wanted to do something last night, but I didn't and I regret it. I think I will tomorrow though, today I'm just too drained to today. And I need my point to go across loud and clear. So a tired me is not going to get that done.

But I really tired yunno. I wasn't even excited today when my friends called from Barbados showing off that she there (and plans to do this everyday that she there) and was about to go get ready to go to a beach party. I was even too tired to talk to my mom who called earlier. So now I'm trying to decide on if to get some sleep, which would equate to me losing MORE hours, or man up and sit and try to atleast listen to some of the videos for my class. *snore* I think sleep is going to win. I even too tired to eat... and if you know me then you know how extreme that has to be. Today I had 2 slices of pizza and a smoothie that I made. Alone. *Snore*

Dunno when this insomnia is going to end... and I hate taking sleeping aids!! *snore*

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 5:02 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

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