Happy Valentines Day!!  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

I was trying my best to just let this day pass as a normal Thursday where I get up and go to work and then go teach my class later in the evening. In the process of my day I avoid all the lovey dovey antics that may be surrounding me. But what I want isn't always what I get.

My sister calls me lastnight about a situation that I had to take care of early this morning, so my normal plans of going to work at 7.30am changed. Not bad. Then I fell asleep early. Huh? That hardly happens, so I should have known something was happening. Then my friend calls me at some hour and I didn't cuss him. I have to be sick.

This morning bright an early my phone rings and in the midst of trying to figure out what time it is and trying to not sound like I was sleeping I say a nice "hello". Then I get "Happy Valentines". Then I realize the voice of my ex....steups. I respond thanks and same to you and ask him if he woke his wife up and gave her her wishes yet? No response. How much time I tell this boy to stop acting like he own me...anyway it got me up and smiling. Lol. Atleast I still have an effect. I didnt' really want any V day greetings, but I would have preferred it, or even the first one for my day, to come from someone, but so life goes.

In a good mood though, and some other Vday greetings later I go take care of that business my sister informed me about. And BOOOOOOOOOY am I glad she sent me in. I just realized I found some money. Not a little bit of pesh... but a good set that puts me in a good way ahead of me and going to school next month. *Does a dance* This Vday thing looking up!!!

Then I realize that I had a class early and I had already missed it and that was it for the day, sooooo I have decided to take the day at home and catch up on some business at home. *Big Grin* So yunno I'm having a goood day!!!

So Happy Valentines to all the folks passing through here today. I hope you get some extra love from the people you love. Today I'm wishing is Vday everyday!!!

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 10:19 AM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

4 Rambles

Happy VDay to you too

I don't celebrate but maybe I should call the spousal unit hmmmm

February 14, 2008 at 10:46 AM

Happy Valentine's Day to you too Cuz *muaaah!*

February 14, 2008 at 10:50 AM

half that money is mineeeeeeeeee...i miss you...come NOW
ps...i saved your valentine's present for you...:)

February 16, 2008 at 11:24 AM

Yeaaa.... my first ever Vday gift NOT from my mommy!!! Lmao

February 17, 2008 at 12:54 AM

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