Random Run In  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in ,

I have started just going around reading random blogs. I actually find a blog I like and just look at the blogs that they read and so forth and so forth. Well today I happened on "Alien in the Caribbean" and found a quite interesting read in the News Years Wish post. This paragraph actually jumped out at me a bit.

One of the most effective tips I can give is that if you want someone in your life then MAKE ROOM FOR SOMEONE. Stop acting and living like a single person. Stop sleeping in the middle of your bed. Clear out your closet and make some space for a guy’s (or gal’s and you’ll probably need a whole new closet if it’s a gal, heh heh) things. Stop hanging around people who reinforce your single-life. If you start making space for a partner that partner will appear. Take romantic placebo the same way I suggested you do with wealth. Act as if! We all know the theory of: When you are single, nobody interested in you. As soon as you hook up, suddenly everyone interested! People start coming out of the woodwork. They after you and after your man (or woman). There is a reason why people who already have partners suddenly become more attractive to everyone else-Law of Attraction. If you love and are getting loved in return, you project an aura of lovability and everyone wants to love you! So don’t wait to have a man (or woman) to act the part of someone who is just over the moon in love, contented; experiencing joy and regular orgasms. Act as if now! Get high on life, laugh often, revel in your friendships; buy a vibrator. Do what you must to have that love glow! In addition to attracting your mate, it will make you feel happy now instead of lonely. It will take the edge off and pressure off of yourself to “hook up” when you live like you are already hooked up. In fact, your new love will come into your life so naturally, you will only notice after your first night together, “But eh eh, this was real serendipitous for true!”
I think this is soo true. Acting like you single, especially if you are in a relationship is not going to to anything positive for your relationship either. I hope some people keep that in mind.

If you have time you can read the whole post.

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