When your boyfriend watches porn....  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in ,

Well I have been laughing all day at this. Every time I think about it I crack up. My friend calls me this morning in a rage. Her Significant Other is cheating on her. I do the "lawd men are just the worse" silence for a minute then ask her what happened. She professes that he just wasn't paying her much attention anymore. Never any compliments. He always tired. Not in the mood. Wait... i thought that was womens' excuse? Anyway, at this time I'm just waiting to do the "men just like to play" routine with her. She rambles some more then she says, "Penz yunno what is the worst thing though, he's watching porn". Huh? Rahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha!!!

Sorry I couldn't help it. I waiting to hear she got an email from a strange lady telling her Mr. SO is always at her house. I waiting to hear about the late night phone calls and he not answering them when she in the room. Him leaving the room when a call comes in. I'm waiting to hear that Mr. Man leaves her home at night and goes out comes back reaaal late and sleeps outside on the couch. That porn watching really threw me off.

But I guess that can be disheartening. She says she feels inadequate. As if Mr. SO thinks that he is not being fully satisfied and thus needs to turn to some ladies on the internet to be satisfied. And she adds, "Is not free porn yunno, he paying for it!!" Another stifling fit of laughter erupts. Sorry but I couldn't hold it in. She's like "Am I over reacting?"

I dunno. I am not a porn watcher. People watching porn and reacting amazes me. And all the time she's telling me this story I'm seeing Mr. SO jerking off to the pc. So I respond, "he's cheating on you with the PC!!" I probably would have been pissed too. I mean, why? His girlfriend is there ever willing, she says, but yet he refuses to have intercourse with her but prefers to watch big booty black girls in the internet having sex with other big booty black girls or men. I dunno.

She's upset and there's nothing I can say to get her out of the funk. I find it amusing. Imagine if it was the other way around. You think Mr. SO would be understanding? Why can't men sometimes just say things aren't going how they hoped, deal with the pain and let people go on? Why must they attempt in their folly of satisfying themselves (no pun intended) making the other person feel less than they are? If I found out that my SO was watching porn how would I react? I would probably make sure he knows that he will be watching porn for a looong time and I'll be out making my own porn in the mean time. Lol.. and I would too and I will make sure that he pays the $5 to see it online. Men, I tell you. I know whose PC I won't be using anymore.

This entry was posted on Friday, February 22, 2008 at 3:29 PM and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

1 Rambles

I'm beginning to think I'm the only woman this does not bother. He watches porn, we have the channel. I watch porn, we watch porn together. On occasion we forget about what's going on the tv and concentrate on each other.

Besides sometimes they actually come up with something we never did before...a rare occassion to be sure but once every few years or so ;)

I hope they work it out.

February 23, 2008 at 8:45 AM

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