The Perfect Girl  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

Do you think everyone wants to be Perfect? What is perfect anyway? Who measures it? Is it measured versus what the other person wants in their life. I'm not perfect in anyway and it's something I'm very happy about. Others though seem to have a slight problem with my imperfections. I guess they're Mr. Perfect (or Ms.)

In one of my many searches on the internet I came across this article courtesy WikiHow. The article had the steps on "How to be a perfect Girl".

  1. Smile. Smile naturally; do not smile too much and remember to do it genuinely. When taking pictures, do not pout or make duck lips. It does not look cute and it's a big turn off for most guys.
  2. Practice good hygiene. Looking and smelling clean is obviously an important part of your image. Make sure you take good care of your body, your hair, your teeth and your nails.
  3. Take good care of that skin. Remember to wash your face everyday with a mild soap or facial cleanser. And keep your hands off to avoid breakouts. Also, don't forget to moisturize, and NEVER go to sleep wearing makeup!
  4. Do not swear excessively. Cussing often will make others think that you're an unintelligent/immature person and would most likely ignore you. Besides, it's not very lady-like. Be nice and gentle.
  5. If you have a website, keep it simple. Do not put a lot of graphics and pictures which is another big turn off to a lot of people. Be yourself online; just because everyone writes in abbreviations doesn't mean that you have to do the same.
  6. Do not wear a lot of jewelry. One necklace and a pair of earrings are fine, but more than that is too much. Try not to get any unnecessary piercing and tattoos. Keep it simple and fashionable - don't just follow trends. When in doubt, remove a piece.
  7. Do not be someone you're not. Be yourself and don't try to copy other people's styles. Sometimes people feel the need to experiment, but some things are best left the way they are. Instead, enhance your good personality traits and let yourself shine.
  8. Study hard and go to school everyday. Everybody loves someone who knows her stuff. In the end, being successful is really important. Don't let your social life preoccupy your thoughts; work hard in class and be consistent. Value your intelligence and work your hardest. If you are having trouble in this area, don't be afraid to speak with your teacher or guidance counselor. Review what you went over in each class everyday. This will help you avoid having to cram all of the information the day before the test. If you're struggling in a specific area, hire a tutor to help you get back on track.
  9. Do not be a show-off. Show-offs makes a person be disliked and/or hated. Be proud of your accomplishments, but don't shove it in people's faces.
  10. Remember the 3 S's Protect your skin from the sun by remembering to:
    • Slip clothing on over your bathing suit when you're not in the water to block sun rays from your skin.
    • Slap on a shady hat that covers your face, neck, and ears.
    • Slop on sunscreen before going outdoors and remember to reapply every two hours.
  11. Do not be immature. Know how to handle situations maturely and reasonably. You don't need to whine or cry to get what you want
  12. Do not try too hard to be cute. It just doesn't work that way. It makes people feel sorry for you and shows them that you are not comfortable with who you are. You can put effort into your looks and behavior, but remember to let yourself enjoy moments being comfortable with yourself.
  13. Do not compare yourself. It's not fair to you or your body. While it maybe tempting, just focusing on being the most wonderful you, and don't let anyone tell you who you should be.
  14. Nourish your body. Maintain a healthy diet and only allow yourself to have junk food in moderation. Be sure to drink 8 cups (8 fl/oz= 1 cup) everyday. Also remember to take a multi-vitamin everyday to help maintain your health.
  15. Work it. You don't have to be an athlete to be fit! Doctors and experts recommend that the average girl gets at least 20 minutes of exercise 2-3 times a week. So find something you like. Join a team. What ever gets you moving and on your feet! And remember to stretch those muscles out before any activity.
  16. Get your beauty sleep. Make sure that you're getting the recommended 8-10 hours of nightly sleep. Get yourself a bedtime routine and stick to it (even on the weekends). To get your body in sleep mode if you're feeling restless, try reading a book, writing in a journal, taking a warm bath, or listening to some gentle music.
  17. Just say No. There is absolutely no reason to experiment with drugs, whether due to pressure or curiosity. Hold yourself to a higher standard or risk completely compromising your image.
  18. Don't rule the relationship. don't tell your partner what to do, this works both ways. you don't want to be known as the annoying girlfriend.

Well I have to be real perfect, I fall into all 18 steps, so why do others make me feel I fall short? Steups too bad for them yes. What does perfection get you anyway? Happiness? Imperfection brings sadness so I assume... lol.

Perfection is over rated. I'm glad with my nail breaking, braces wearing (well for the next 5 months again), not very tall, hair in a mess most of the time, looking like an average person most of the time, not always able to please everybody all the time(though it seems I can't please this one person at all) self. I'm happy with me and I'm sure I'll find somebody who will find this little Ms Imperfect Perfect. :)

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