Dreams Interpreted  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

I need help. Anyone can interpret dreams. My mind has been running on overtime for the past few days. Hectic is an understatement for what the past few days have been like. Relocating from one part of the world to another is anything but an easy job. So my mind has been planning, packing, planning and hoping all while I’m awake AND asleep.

So I have been dreaming.

The first dream is that I get to immigration in Miami and they pull me in. Oh wait, that’s not really a dream, that’s what usually happens. Lol. Yes I am always pulled in by the officers. I have attempted different looks to travel to avoid being pulled in and they have all failed. The student with a backpack look, the bum look, the movie star look. The traveling with parents and all didn’t work. I get pulled in, kept sitting for at least 15 minutes (one time I was held for an hour) then sent away with a wave of hand. This time though, the dream takes me back to my plane with some not too cute silver bracelets. Signs of things to come?

The other dream I walk in on my husband with another lady. I calmly lock them in the bedroom and go cook a nice big dinner which I proceed to eat. I then open the door, with my “zagguy” in hand and calmly cut them into little pieces, pack them into a box and take them into the dumpster. Signs of things to come?

One night I’m out taking a walk down the street. I have no idea where the street is or where I’m going. I seem to be having an out of body experience because I’m watching myself walk. Suddenly something falls from the sky. It’s white and light. It’s snowing? No, it’s not melting. It’s sticking to my hair. It’s sticking to my skin. It only seems to be falling on me though. Nothing anywhere else is white. Fast forward. I look in the mirror and I have no hair. I’m bald. What the hell!!! Signs of things to come?

There’s another dream with a handsome man, a car and some ice cream but I can’t seem to remember all the details. Signs of things to come?

Am I going crazy??!!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 11:16 AM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

1 Rambles

Nah you're not going crazy....you just have a lot of uncertainties in your life at the moment and your mind is trying to come up with alternate solutions for them...
i had a dream that i was chasing my skin down the road the other day.. tendons exposed and all ...chasing this skin that was behaving like sulu...standing still till i get close and then running off..
so .
either we both crazy...
or we both uncertain...
i choose the latter...

March 12, 2008 at 9:38 AM

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