
Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

"Countless rebirths lie ahead, both good and bad. The effects of karma (actions) are inevitable, and in previous lifetimes we have accumulated negative karma which will inevitably have its fruition in this or future lives. Just as someone witnessed by police in a criminal act will eventually be caught and punished, so we too must face the consequences of faulty actions we have committed in the past, there is no way to be at ease; those actions are irreversible; we must eventually undergo their effects."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, from 'Kindness, Clarity and Insight'

I whole heartedly believe in the concept of Karma. The actions, good or bad, that you do previously will come back to reward or haunt you later. Some people seem to not beleive in it though and so think that continuously treating people like crap is not going to have any effect on them at any time. But it's going to come get you. And it will get you good. I hope I'm around for this though, not that I'm wishing bad on anyone, but some times some people need to feel the pain others went through to learn. Karma (is that really revenge/justice?) i think can come back in any form, at any time. You never know what you did to someone may happen to you in the long run. How you've treated someone may come back ten fold when you're at your weakest point. Careful!!!

These days I wish I could bestow my own Karma but that's not how it works. It sucks that you have been so good to some people and they quickly forget that and treat you like crap. Sometimes you want to forget that "do unto others " talk and take actions into your own hands, but then there's karma. And you know eventually that they going to get their portion at some point, so you just carry on with how you think it's best for you and wait patiently for the consequences of faulty actions.

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