Man Rules vs Woman Rules  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

That's something that I never got and I don't think I ever will. Who was the jackass that put off the notion that men were able to abide to a different set of rules than ladies were? I mean, it's a typical "do so doh like so" kinda situation.

Men THINK that it's ok for them to do whatever the feel they want to. They want to just up and leave the house without informing anyone of where they going, they do. They want to go out to a party and stay out till 9 am, they do. They want to go out with a girl but want to talk/dance to/with other girls there, they do. They see a girl they attracted to and want her number, they go for it. They want to have their cake and eat it too, they do it. They at home with their wife and their phone rings at 5 am its no problem. They want to have more female friends in their life is no problem. They still wearing articles that they exes gave them, NO problem. It's all well and fine for them to compliment some other female and it's just that a compliment. They have sexual intercourse with someone else, it's not really a problem, things happen. A next chick can buy them something, it's all well and good. They move how they want when they want and it's NO PROBLEM.

Ladies now get strife. She wants to leave the house a barrage of questions pop up. Where you going, who you going with? Go to a party and stay out late, you getting called at 5am to find out "where are you?" You go out with your man/boy friend/male friend, and another guy comes to talk to you, you get "the eye", cuss, left, fight break out, yuh disrespectful. Another guys sees u as attractive, it's a problem. (Hey you take your compliments where you can get it ent) Ladies see a guy they attracted to, or even an old male friend, taking their number, it's a PROBLEM. Try to wear something from an ex they ketch feelings. Your exes things are to be thrown out. They not complimenting you, but when someone else does, It's a problem. Ladies go cheat on your boyfriend and it turns into world war 18. You are now a slut, whore, tramp (add other nasty words here). Another man by you a drink, well we know.

It's an ego thing huh? They think that they have to be in charge huh? That things have to run how they want it to be? Life doh move so though. I dunno why they don't think that if they stepping out, your girl just might be stepping out too. Who knows. Why they think it's ok for them to move one way and your other half can't/isn't? Who decided on these rules? Do ALL men follow these rules or just ones that need their ego boosted for lack of something somewhere? Men let me know please. I mean I can see these rules running for single men (are men every really single?) but when men are in a relationship, especially one they claim they want, I don't see how they can think that they can follow one set of rules and the other half has to follow some stricter ones? Why? You not telling me where you going out of kind courtesy how the heck you will want to come and question me on where I going? I thought that people in a relationship SHARE things? Share rules??

lol. Hmm I think imma be the pioneer woman to even up the slate. Wah the song say? "Do for do"!!!

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