Double Whammy  

Posted by Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness in

Based on my previous posts, (Some facts and Some facts), I am in some big trouble. Being in these two places it's scary. Have you looked at these numbers? Do people see these numbers? Do people understand these numbers? Yet folks want to step outside and take the chance of having unprotected sex with people who they have no idea about their sexual history. Just for what? 10 mins of heat, sweat and hopefully an orgasm? Fine. Take your chances. But what about those other folks who cheat on their wives/girlfriends/husbands/boyfriends then come home and have sex with their partners? Do they think that they not just jeopardizing their lives but the lives of ours? This AIDS epidemic is NO joke.

When you see numbers like these it scares you. Who can you trust? People cheat. People cheat with people they don't know about. People cheat with people they know about and don't know their status. People sleep with people who they think they know their status. Some people DON'T KNOW THEIR STATUS!!

Family friend. Is in a relationship and all is well. It's been a couple years. Things are as things are in a relationship. Good times and bad times. She's committed to the relationship. Relationship meets rut. She's committed to the relationship. Eventually they say take a break. Things getting a bit too rough. Two months later it's on. A month later she's sick. Skin scratching. Thinking it's because of a recent vacation she had takes some anitbiotics. A week later doctor calls. She has the virus. TWO weeks later partner says he had sex with a friend while they were apart. So we now have 3 adults (that we know of) with the virus. Till that time he did not know he had it. We are not sure if the friend knew she had it and where she got it from The chain continues. Who can you trust?

Another girl goes to club meets guy. He's cute. Well dressed. Buys her drinks. Pleasant. Attractive. Seems like a match. They go out another time after. This time they have oral sex. 2 months later she's HIV positive. It was just oral she says!! Uhm does she even know homeboys last name?

Do people understand that this thing kills people? Can make us extinct? Minorities are in the lead with this disease yet people are not protecting themselves and in turn are also hurting people who love and trust them. What about those men who are on the down low? They aren't exempt either. Women? Kids?

How far can you go to protect yourself? At some point, if your dreams include having a family, you will be putting your health, your life into your partners hands, and we pray that you don't draw the wrong card!!

You think HIV/AIDS numbers are bad? Wanna see the STDs/STIs statistics?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 3:49 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

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